In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight... Prov. 3:6

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N Smudge Pots & Flood Valve
Smudge Pots are used to protect orchard fruit from the frost and the flood. Valves are used to irrigate the Orchard. With these Century Foundry items you can accent your orchard and achieve an impressive bucolic scene.

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SKU: 512
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  • Smudge Pots are used to protect orchard fruit from the frost and the flood. Valves are used to irrigate the Orchard. With these Century Foundry items you can accent your orchard and achieve an impressive bucolic scene. (10 smudge pots and 1 valve per pack)
    • N scale smudge pots and flood vales
      Great Castings and needed by all who are modeling orange groves.


      United States

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